Tuesday, 25 October 2011

New Decision..

Today we had a discussion as a group and decided that it would be easier to split up into smaller groups/individuals as working in a group of 4 was making it too tricky to keep track of who was going to do what work. Although it primarily seemed a good idea as we could get the work done in 1/4 of the time it is now becoming apparent that doing work in such a large group means that we can't always control the amount of work being done at a set moment in time and make group dissions as at the weekends it is difficult to us to meet up and contact eachother.

Despite this we have decided that I will become a pair with Sarah Cornwall in order to complete this task as we can get in touch with eachother easily and can work together as well as independently in order to complete this task.
As well as this the Media Brief states that our campaign must cover two media platforms and if we work in pairs then we can each work on one platform and then consult back to the other on our progress and all about the Codes and Conventions whilst maintaining the ability to work independently on our individual products.
However we will still have to complete our own independent research and planning.
We have decided to stick to the Target Audience and Ideas already decided upon prior to this decision.

Friday, 14 October 2011


For may campaign I have dicided to work with my 3 friends Katie Smith, Annabel Grocock and Sarah Cornwall. As we are working in a group we all need to make sure we make dicisions and have an individual input to the products and the overall campaign. Also we need to make sure we feedback to each other on our sketchbook pages and any further ideas that may be useful to our campaign so that we all have our own research and planning pages.

First, we discussed possible target audiences and analysed each one for any problems they may have in the current lifestyles that they aer living which our healthy lifestyle campaign could improve using 'small steps' as specidifed on the breif. After long concideration and discussion we came to the conclusion that our target audience would be Young Professionals.

Then we had to decide on which media platforms Young Professionals would come into contact with. This is what we decided on:
- Most of Young Professionals live in London so we decided to aim most of physical products in the London area. Due to the fact that most of Young Professionals use public transport for example the tube on the way to work, we decided that a billboard in a tube station would be appropriate. This is because this is what our target audience will regulary be in contact with, as when they are waiting at the station they are immediately in contact with the product.
-We decided to create a webpage that would provide tips on acheiving a healthy lifestyle, exercising tips, financial advice and a variety of 'How To' guides. We felt that producing a website would be appropriate as Young Professionals are very IT orientated and will possibly use the internet at work or at home.
-Also, we are going to mock a creation of an iPhone app as many Young Professionals have smart phones and will like to use the product on the move.
-Finally, we decided to create a facebook page to help promote our campaign. We think that this would be very efective as the majority of Young Professional that we spoke to, when researching our target aduidence,  had access to facebook. Also, we found out that most Young Professionals go on facebook regulary and therefore would have access to our page regulary. Also, as one person 'likes' our page, then could then tell there friends and so on so that we then get a larger number of followers which would help to promote our brand and campaign.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

As part of our coursework we have to profile our Target Audience to identify who we are aiming our campaign at. Here is all the information that I have gathered on 'Young Professionals.'